Justin Fetters
Musician, Teacher, & Oboe Reed Maker
Private Music
Experience private music lessons tailored to you with Justin Fetters.

"Sharing my passion for music and witnessing the transformative power it holds in my students' lives fuels my love for teaching"
Justin is currently accepting students on the following instruments
Oboe / E. Horn
Oboe was Justin's primary
instrument in college.
Accepting students
of all ages and abilities.
Justin accepts students of all ages and abilities on Woodwind instruments.
French Horn
Beginner - Intermediate ONLY
Accepting students of
all ages and abilities.
Beginner - Intermediate ONLY
Explore the world of music and improve your instrumental skills through personalized instruction with an experienced music teacher, certified with an active teaching license from the ODE.
Prices for private music lessons:
1st lesson is free!
$30 / 30 minute lesson
$40 / 45 minute lesson
$50 / 60 minute lesson
Typical Topics covered in lessons:
-instrumental adjustments
-Tone Shading
_Extended Techniques
--Breath Control
-Solo Repertoire
-Audition Repertoire
-Orchestral Excerpts
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that it is my personal journey, as an educator, to help each and every student tap into their creative potential. I believe that all forms of art are connected and pull resources and inspiration from all forms of creative and artistic mediums. Breath control, expressive phrasing, and technique exercise are incorporated in to every lesson. A firm foundation in technique will free the player from the instrument and allow the most expression to be portrayed. Each piece of music is approached in a methodical and educated manner. Lessons are customized to the level and needs of each student. Students will learn music theory, history, and sight reading. Together we can make beautiful music and memories to last.